Friday, 12 March 2021

these celebrations are

puzzle books through a prism, 


Open your fascinating mouth 

                   let the words out

to live is 

a privilege of water


Wrapped in muslin anchored with rock 

 Boatmen out              into the middle confluence

All is chaos


                    Bubbles up

 a last communion.


Scratch dust card camped out 

Mutate marble slab work 

bothered incline skip loads 

early A.M. prospecting metal mongers pass hard workings

colossal in ideation tumultuous grey brushed steel developments

In concierge work; vaulted spectral hypostasis mineral gated

High authentic ceiling hinges if

Only we could stay awake long enough to care

Then  spill down over concrete walkways succulents

Lift up as if to speak; towards the afternoon take tea dissolve and fall into shape

If no punctuation and long shadows forming are your thing then please

Apply in writing.


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