Wall of books, matrix of intent, desire overflows strung taut with bland power. Hexagrams,
A healing oracle of saline intent; now lateral stochastic in and out of focus, built-in display.
Mocking at the nape, I prefer to keep the sunlight out; let my plants wither to the point of collapse
then give a little trickle, just enough to keep them alive. A mordant ordure.
I saw you distant in a dream. Across the playing field you could not see me. I got close but kept my distance. vague figures from my past appeared out of focus. The ground was rolling fresh cut grass, not quite flat. I kicked a football back to our spot. I was surprised to see you, it has been a long time since we met. I hope to go back and revisit this dream. Maybe we will meet again. The sky clouded, immense with something immanent; posing questions not necessary to answer. As if in this moment we could access the infinity of our conscious Being.
Origami wild grasses gassing air talk passing glance the swish of fibres. Hunter gatherers
Chance observant to obliterate ruins; now all over tremble on stairs upwards amiable featherweight, gummed to distinction. River-wrought run on nepenthes grounded spun form fervid pleasure sense. Tangled essences that is your ephebe: eat chocolate biscuit for lather sate dress-coat worldly sense hearing. Tearing helpless abandoned by or so they thought. Continue with reticent steps over the threshold of this new alliance. To be seen is surety that such whole heated space gives breathing a new limit, in thought and in deed.
Harem sacrum in the old haunted lay by. It used to host a jointed burger vehicle painted chairs elements of madrigal garden pubs. White plastic weeded earth-bound tarmac pot boil diffuse damp water break tides swinging into market spike, deep collagen espousal; you know the curry meme. A clattering we will go. Like lines drawn in sound or looking without looking it’s a trap to make us feel good. Being of course the whereabouts that from here on in becomes the greatest and most serious test of all. That which belongs outside any fictions we can dream, and at all cost’s attention must turn to median weight investment strategy to make a quick seal.
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