Thursday, 4 March 2021


Sun fired feet colder still than

The face watery under years asking

For forgiveness over garden fence pellucid vegetable patch 

unfolding plastic mini museum

Treasure hunting roman mud.


The vehicle of the body

Driven by what you know or don’t understand

Is an attempt to remember; to bolster character this case study

This casement laid down by alcoholic insecurity

what you know gleaned or gained,

Form sudden thoughts of nights dead headed 

Sprouting out of mossy dew mornings

of fog lifting to name three things

You remember, have a nice life departure running out to a waiting lift

Throw possessions in the back, drive on

Walking through the village watching temporary traffic lights blink like eyes up

And down the wind on the masts clang such a warm sound on a cold night

So detached it’s frightening so strange

Almost unbelievable now

Rushing in across the flat peninsular nuclear lights aglow

Each one in their warm house just a few feet away

Steady in that doorway pull

Up a blanket suspend the rising tide

Back here again as always floating

Into the night.

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