Sunday, 12 April 2020


Defaced mutagenic holophote ripcord tyres screech forward fold lungs collapse smashed in bed in the morning glower faced red brooding horror show Foreverwar.  Pre-emptive strike by imperial praetorian quaestor dingy, unconcerned flippant! Black breaths, breached shark cage prism city clamour crying the world just looks so good today! Rugged mist on the skyline to be useful in this State riding on horizon rot of ‘the collective’.


Canticles omens of the interior world of boxes storage unit breakdowns dumb from sleep still foraging the ghost contents and fridge regard of todays ripening. Text the abstract of power flowing in its command position watch as swans skim to landing glissando cheering bound for upper air passage. Blood wars turmeric chants fertility rites storm brewing. See through air into gymnastic military industrial see through hair drone. Annihilation annulment acumen anal beads. Exchange data tokens for full bleed disclosure impact; inside this WILD INTERIOR we hang in cosy corridors and corners pulled on currents towards uncharted rooms of medical custody. Articles of faith demand we know what is the right response. Octagonal behaviour patterns a child’s plastic pyramid complete with burial chamber.

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