Wednesday, 22 April 2020


Collapsible death rattle vibrant matter any minor heart that breaks apart comes together again shivering tongue trail the thick brush dead matter condoms human shit encased in florets of toilet paper evidence of potential murders tyre tracks imagine you’re a detective try to piece it all together but you can’t nothing fits but something in memory says that you have been here before. STOP

Drill bore holes in the content hands stained destroyer of worlds death grip woke eyes sealed shut fumbling wax shutter through a pink sash window open and alert to symbols signs of portent. I don’t know any other worlds to place these words. 

Special forces gathering dust in the gathering dusk limbering up for it. The underground overgrown rich in spectral dirt horse shoes dangle upside down hollow untraceable limbic noises proliferate the inner ear drum buzzes to a new bandwidth Huawei strappado on Wanstead Flats; waste man gamma globulin a skulk of foxes cruise the under-brush paws crunch on discarded cannisters spices blown in from the east blue bells crush response. Wrapped up in a jar mark ‘us’ toes point north now to fractured hive tossed burrows forward to lowing rabbinical verses insert smash solo under tarp to reflex devour ingest and drip drowsy wing tips of amber unfolding bone breath courses silently towards dead gully.

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