Friday, 17 April 2020


Shredded heavy lidded tokens of gratitude implodes behind shared space a fan a door a walkway through 1960’s welfare Britain inner city estates named after Fells in Somers Town. Imperfect city static the river is flat silent. The tourists have gone away the city has been reclaimed by itself and is now a sprawling village of exquisite mystery. Glide to a doubling inverse world shock tactics begin again anew at dawn; trip to survive languid dissonance re-flame the broken order and unfold into twist. Blink honestly grasp twigs at bench level swell towards hard mudded banks of grateful blister union; “it’s broken ok?” honeysuckle egg yolk frosting come early too soon. Birds yack and sleep is yoghurt bliss now with dreams less sweet exhausted Wi-Fi abyss to task it.
Arrestable across terrain covers marsh, post war housing covert sanctuary bird hides covered markets interstitial species remarks strong personalities in void face, achieve high sociopathic? Yes!
Form folds 
Into form
Just because
And so then
Off to begin
Execrate memory matrix bandwidth of terror block chain management trust breasts heavy with optimism through the nose pick through daisy lanes thrush pushes outwards hot roots bend upwards break ground swelling ochres blood pressure collapsing crispy crème sugar updraft scaled back to incorporate artisans hunt like wolves in packs. Crisp packets creep stays in your lane prole scum distant social dump “I’ll hunt you down you animal” roadside screamers stale mates axis melt swerve to enjoy borough psychosis the worst lurk in stairwells Eros of industrial estate car park collapse neon fly sink hole hot butter melting pavement picked out paths reggae apocalypse sinology retro fitted too sugary too much high breathing torture articles of swarm rage weaponised microbes attack!

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