Friday, 21 December 2018

Supreme being amounts to nothing
Peddle harder it will amount
To nothing more than
Fox holes
Underground warrens
Your being set in motion set in time
Where was I today
In yesterday’s time mill
Churned on its spokes
I thought
We cannot be still
Here among the wood chippings, the discarded cans that say Zwiec and Tyske
To frozen feet.
“in the call of conscience what is that is talked about”
Do not answer that question
The answer may lie hidden somewhere in the wrecked pale light
The freezing pond surrounded by silver birch trees
The truest colour of my despair
Is a dog response to it
Those retractable leads forwards and back lead
Tea time thoughts to distract at a fern 
Near the coffee hut
A latter day Todnauberg

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