Sunday, 30 December 2018

It is acrid language

‘…The explosion
is for all of us and I dedicate the results
to the fish of the sea and the purity of
language:’     (‘The Western Gate’, J.H.Prynne.)

About to jump off the end of the year
Like an ice berg
There is more of us under the water
Waiting hoping
Feeling each movement
So much discarded
People, papers strewn
In a refracted mirror the truth 
Can be seen with a sidewise glance
Hanging on to the overhang
Knuckles white protruding
The slow merry-go-round
Of unified memory
Attached to the spurs breaking of
Colossal white crashing in
They love you so much they want to devour you
To crush your spirit
In this way we combine the invisible with the
Ghosts’ are now officially real
And that squadron of green parakeets that
Careened in off the back of a gust
Will tell you so
You don’t go back
To find you’ve lost
‘the thigh bone of the world’
In sleeping torrents of blue familiar night
Right here in the last lost limbic days
Between and sky 
Between stars and home
Behind the faces that march up and down
Oxford street in all weathers
And the pints that pour like so much steady rain
Or lost rivers
Swimmers plant themselves on the edge
Only frosting out for a quick dip
A shoot em up time
Frayed at the edge of an end
Snatching up at the start
Buildings stained in frozen bas relief 
Hands gesture at people moving off
It’s the closure

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