Tuesday, 7 June 2022



Inside this living heart will you know how and when to cheat death / and could it then be said we are travelling faster than the sun / what is rounder and more orange than blades flexing against the light / breaking entry against hot warped bodies grazing in sandy fantasy / so gird against the second wave / or subsequent waves / our warm bloodied frenzy heals against the distance we have come / from misery terrace / musk lynx and half chewed fish bones eek out an existence / this triumphant Shangri-la / was built from scaffolding and shrewd divestments of aggregate / now skimming low across the sea bed / azure fronds folding and all eels and shoals / spear in hand / floating somewhere in the med / Neptune they called me / down at the local bar / just an old lemon turning Larkin / pressing against grey flabby bottoms / on such a perfect roll / even Kleinzahler couldn’t take it away / all cyclopean walls and Scops owls whacking it down in one great big dollop / there are other ways to pay they said.

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