Friday, 13 May 2022



Erudite of a fashion. Sleeves worn collar up or down. Isolated wing flex slow car door compacted reformation memory twist. What swells and will swell comes forward when individual matter makes stale most division static.

Imperceptible yet frenzied account for full wash meeting points divergent nature categorical failure yet imperative nasal whizz. 


Attention vehicle turning left.


Off-line impiety tracking backwards opening up the warp and weft of it. Scored hundreds by un-design picking up then tracing back; always chasing the main chance. As distinct from the unavailable or closed for now. Try again later. Sports field fire better downwards colour ways proceed to meeting point. Hold it up to the light now hieratic heirloom shadow casting succulent inlet. 


Down chains

worn faces 

swipe in and out

your time in total

was in giving it away.


If you wanna get into it you gotta get out of it


Sports refit muscarine drizzle over hot toffee terrine. Muscle over pesto pasta distraught mission corn flight mistrustful of green revenge. Wash out the blood mouth distant boring drilling into the heart of what? Coaxial levers bent throating out ominous white crested daily birds. 


The psychedelic episode comes with don’t force it the man who slept to death. Unable to move thinking got to mow the lawn got to…. Unload the washing machine and then the revelation you can do this you’ve got this clawed up to do it yeah it’s possible, no wait read some Roy Fisher stop write it up no wait stop read another thing something new you can. All the while time slipping away the schedule the belief the making it the discordant sounds circular fascinating all leading away from.


The washing. The grass. The day. Your blood.


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