Deteriorating scourge dread hollow that instinct left unheeded
Cracking up swallowed up dread thoughts sick closing down
Dread falling frozen pavements everything the same no new sensation ever
This street that street always the same nothing new the same streets the same sky
Only faces younger older faces recede when others refocus paranoid closing dread
Sickened with dread to the stomach can’t eat shaking dread almost dead stone flowers
Faded magazines folded layers of dust on dust tormented always no end to this dread flowers
Set in the yard of stones some are plastic flowers others light up with so much dread.
Do poets light the way through dread forests will the way be lit or frosted over
With patches of black dreaded ice slipping over skidded dread stomach churning ultimatum
Nigh time insomnia dread calls opening up into unfolding universe of dreams of dread the whooshing
Sound of air sucked out of lungs paralysed with fear soaking up dread silence in alone black universe
Nothing to be said dread.
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