Thursday, 31 December 2020


It’s not poverty I fear, but madness. 


Now a year ending poem; with a quiet song of solo cello

Mad spirited boys clashing furious on the embers wave

Theirs is a constant tapping mind outside the body

Twins Locked together rolling through this furious year of heatwaves; of plague spores

Of ‘home learning’, indeed. 

Clutch to life like a billion-year baked diamond Earth

Seen from out there; reminder of the ‘look back’ at the planet.

Glance at it.

Wednesday, 30 December 2020


Deteriorating scourge dread hollow that instinct left unheeded

Cracking up swallowed up dread thoughts sick closing down 

Dread falling frozen pavements everything the same no new sensation ever

This street that street always the same nothing new the same streets the same sky 

Only faces younger older faces recede when others refocus paranoid closing dread

Sickened with dread to the stomach can’t eat shaking dread almost dead stone flowers

Faded magazines folded layers of dust on dust tormented always no end to this dread flowers

Set in the yard of stones some are plastic flowers others light up with so much dread.

Do poets light the way through dread forests will the way be lit or frosted over

With patches of black dreaded ice slipping over skidded dread stomach churning ultimatum 

Nigh time insomnia dread calls opening up into unfolding universe of dreams of dread the whooshing

Sound of air sucked out of lungs paralysed with fear soaking up dread silence in alone black universe 

Nothing to be said dread.

Monday, 28 December 2020


Void of toasted caramel creeps just there somewhere . 

Wake most nights watching unedited spools flow into and out of the body. Rapid hostage. Urinate; think the worst thoughts.

Dawn light; use words like ‘spectral’ & ‘infinity’. Know that there is something outside to catch onto often enough. Many times, not. Retreat into a cold infinity of spectral wonder. 

Your notion of self so frail it could fritz into a cloud of dust motes; exploding silently inside the sugary breeze. Ah, it’s a cake being baked below. Filling the room now.

A slip of the tongue; a chance blending of interactions. The newly renovated toilet block excoriated for diverting pleasure plans.               

                                              Solid wound base lines in the mud suck glow lights from across the living room; try to understand all this. Breathing in and out the anechoic family unit moves slowly along the track; in our mobile empires of nothing. Grandiose patriarch; resourceful matriarch. Look up from underneath splendour; lay flat on your back and twizzle a bauble just so. Watch your face reflected, all bloated; full of joyful entropy. You can do it all, they say, as you rock back and forth in the happy baby position; a boulder perched on the edge of an abyss rolls silently into infinity.

Sunday, 27 December 2020



Clawed focus

                                                            Occult effigy 

                                                                  Out of clay

Over bright 

Coffee outline 

                                                            Brought by cold

                                                            sea winds tides.

Seminal lineate forest tracks

Marking spectral interest

                                                            Find first furze

                                                            The golden making

 Pounded fungus swash

Along wet grass passage 

                                                            Obliterated mist 

Outstretched hands 

                                                            In slow trances shadow boxes

Told to belong

Being life on the sea shelf  

                                                            Mineral beds; bore holes

                                                            Arctic research unit

Interlude of

Ice and dew 

                                                            Natal bough

                                                            Active triode flicker 


Bile and other internal waste

   Eating drinking sleeping

   Pale uninterested matter

                                                            Splayed across buying lanes

The colour of 

Cigarette butt                

                                                                 yellow diseased languor 

Hoping for a high street heart attack

                                                                                    open up the broken wounded

To forgiveness, a toast !                                                

 A solitary sentinel of enclosure springs 

listing towards a crumbling scree face of purple and orange; virtual

Markings claiming new reality units hike out; trembling onwards together shoulder the storms.






Wednesday, 9 December 2020


Review work beak to bone 

                                                          Update operating system

Collapse into frontal lobe 

                                                         Suggestion of infantile brass knuckle spate

Grieving force tuned to unrest

                                                          Load sport re-entertain immunity diplomatic

Perfect frequency delivery

                                                         And we are spent; taxed beyond repair spine

Switch on to harmonic light

                                                     Grave stake hold infrastructure cured a swell

Insert spirit bone layered corpuscle

                                                       Rip out spine realize debt scar timely today 

Spectral intra dust fractured beams

                                                 Boat yard rhythm broad strokes held over most

In time becomes own language 

                                                            Demon focus up-skirt streaming freeze

Court jester grubbing over frolic lust.

Submerge full smooth will

Evergreen sandwich spread obulum cloud

                                                                           Will you go dark side and where will it matter?

Skiddy mud aggressive twilight goose bombers 

                                                                        Because you are a spiritual animal

You know how to keep warm 

                                                                        Every noise has a note

Put and place it where

                                                            Joyless nocturnes fall and rise

Rise and fall

                                                            Corn dog peppered with stale farts

Witless trendy fuck face goon

Tuesday, 8 December 2020


The great poet sighs and fifteen thousand butterflies escape from her throat.
The aroma of greatness is like musk ox and chartreuse. When the great poet closes her eyes all the lightbulbs of the world flicker momentarily.
The great poet stretches out in an easy chair and the creases in his velveteen smoking jacket whisper sonnets to each other.

The great poet……..


The goat poet loathes the company of others


The great poet needs to know his greatness exists in the minds of others


The great poet lifts his pen; dust motes turn circles in time.


The great poet tumbles forwards forever through the cosmos


The great poet upholds to wisdom of the ancients


The great poet was last seen dragging his robes into chthonian darkness


The great poet broods over life’s great mysteries


In silent erosion the great poet sits and waits contemplating oblivion’s arrival 


If you see the great poet tell him we’re looking for her…


Friday, 4 December 2020


The Frost Fayre of the Glory Hand

Just because it can’t be seen does not mean it wasn’t there. Cat scrape against improvised bird call and response. Jellyfish trails across the page this distance and the next will be one exploded whale.

Thrown carcass flying in great spattering chunks of white where one oily greased lump crashed down on a Cadillac now we won’t come back from that. All eyes on the birded-up flesh cross the road rambling man coming through; cheep gutter amp strapped to his back ass guitaring it around the marsh peninsular one cow looks up then carries on munch munch long horns. Now it’s toot toot portal opening but not by much stand clear allow for easy open access; that’s right easy does it we are now going inside the belly through the portal stepping over and under time. Indented earth colossal safe in victimhood; cumbersome in nose regard; that which is your strength.

In time the blubber floats to the dunes where the gulls have been irrevocably scared off.  Expressing likes and dislikes of the modern era. What moon eats are we having today; so, dust the watch sand it down to nothing? Notice the knocker of doors, the waking one’s just wrapped up past the blast core. Down in the frozen gully where sorrows lie down. Look backwards and up at the figure in the window, at the figure that is always at the window in frosted mizzle width furled ready tiger clawed wrong sided entombed in lichen. Mess of blubber. Containment of mass.