Friday, 27 March 2020

Writing sideways.                                       
     ….overt storm warnings gravel struck trance weapons scrying mirror effaced reality quest. Boing boing garrulous yet muster grain truth beyond patient wit cycle of derailed pyscho’s.
Energy block field work to enhance reality roadside gift pottery wheel nice day out beside summer chain effused memory distemper horse field gallops off. Orange chocolate giving wheels sand blasted fresh opening into sun lit courtyard time now appraisal grief stained opprobrium red admiral stuck in a web.

Bin-work inside cannister blown forwards with incidents of grey old musk: hive suspicion blankets use the cold reality of it. Upturned smart bicycle fluorescent fascists demolish meatballs today and every-day. Now ensconced in Babylon block chain freak out butterflies on the march bright line of sense degraded muscle tone gesture to harms melt-way. Aggressive instauration flitch beam flicker: now move inside corporate end zone. Commiserations bloom let’s be thankful for map of origin full grown in lime spirit tree fold.

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