Saturday, 1 February 2020

Nature's Mad Mannequins

Outdoor and indoor assistant required.
Kicking up an unholy stink from the guts of the world.
Rotting fruits embedded in a thick fur carpet at the bottom of the refrigerator, it smiles wide
An odour of malignant decay.
Shocking electric eel vision
Of a hut suspended as by fronds in
A dream or dance of death decay and depravity
Dressed up as delight
Now dance
We swing this way and that with a glance at the altimeter
And as you frost a glistening smile
I ran full pelt out the window
As you watch
Again, then I reappear later from the shadows
Now do you understand
Again, reiterate the statements that brought us here
The old dole office, a bus ride away would favour 
A few crumpled notes. Is it glamour you require? Like that of a gatehouse belonging to a long- sequestered drive way up to the main house obscured by trees.
Dust and gravel matrix the quadrant the stars the model railways
Over and above everything else
Bright wide expanse of sky 
What is this terrible shit, is it tragic. Is it a tragedy, we may never begin to know. 
Entering the village pub that night bodies roiled in a drunken stupor, the type that inspires great wisdom then after great head pain. Tweed and guns, tweed and guns so much tweed and so many guns. We discussed the local murders among other things. You said I had gained weight, I said, “You are a terrible mad drunkard.”
Think on.

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