Time will overcome time will undo you overthrow you pour through
Like mountains tumbling at your feet the city is hot and sticky and icky little bits
Of flame lick out of the corners of busy men and women’s mouths like small glimpses
Of insanity and I am writing backwards again today later on running fall to sleep again something to drink only understanding forever will not wait to come but
If this will help I’ll take whatever I can get
And the kids meet up in the morning they don’t care yet really, they don’t
The pavement is a squashed flat trifle all that is left of yesterday’s Purim noise
A green parakeet’s silhouette is on the bough of that massive oak (?) that they
Said they could cut down in two days as an experiment
It is so fucking quiet this morning the silence is like a drug that seeps into my ears
I almost smile
To know when to go that is the creaking secret to understand the rite
The ritual and the romance, “It’s about time you got off…”
The second-hand bookshop blues, the citations that you will never use, a literary response to
Repressed energy slowing down machine gears breathing slowly into this impatient day
To find some meaning to this rhythm translated thoughts into word patterns that think themselves and operate a fragile democracy on the page to keep on writing and thinking and keeping the blood pumping over the trench warfare that is not fair but more like the folk of a night mare clomping its hooves through the darkly satin black curtains exit stage left now the minutes are really slowing down and not even the final straight is in sight yet some couplets may ease the pace like black dog / shiny frog / peat bog , but they don’t have to rhyme again
Eccentric battle-axe / overpriced ideology / General Consensus (that’s his name) / blown up life situation / the old escalator / oh my knees! / flaming chops / and if that was the medium what the hell is large and now for goodness sakes the overwhelming hell and high water of it all comes tumbling and tearful like an overwrought conceptual artist bubbling into steam on the very edge of their creative leash
That siren again bless it the only thing apart from the birds chirping that breaks the silence here this morning / it can be fraught with desperate edges
A ship lost at sea comes into sight of land at last / the monstrous hand of invisible reactions
The theory of Abjection, being not wholly Other or inside or outside not caring but not growing either / some couplets to speed into the end minutes
Oriental glow / young bucks / southern gothic / winding path / shuttle bus / morning glory
A cake squashed flat / flickering fancy / leave to remain / the journey man / the journey woman / a wicker man / a glimpse of Pan / dusted down / frosted up / unfinished business
You can / you can / a memory bank…… the orb is growing dark now, what strange prophecy can we cook up inside the glass domain
What breaks out across the flat expanse
Of deserted marsh
Fractured blown wide
Inside a white nothing
Floating with furious force
Now above looking down its almost over
For today we hang on
Invisible wires
That lift us up and down thrown
Together blink
The one-eyed stare
Your hot breath on my face indicates that we are alive
Wind in the blood sails
We chart a course towards our next meal
Or observation that we exchange with
Whoever comes our way today.
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