Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Golden pavilions spiral into the air
Autumn creaks out its bones and you feel the
Earth sigh and crack 
And of relief 
For the time being we are here
Who knows when your time is up
Just heart heaving the blood round 
And status wealth knowledge all seem great at the time
The solace to shore up against what we don’t understand
That animals heed instinctively
They are alive with death
We are leaves to be kicked around or blown on the wind
The boys smile they are like animals to
They do not fear death yet 
What do they know of its darkening hand
And how it drives the pulse through the veins
Like tidal skeins filling out the dark black mud
Washing over all our thoughts and memories
Into an oblivion of infinite sunsets
Forever and never
In a remote archipelago situated just
Behind your eyes.
‘The forms are many in which the unchanging seeks relief in its formlessness.’[1]
Birth and death entry and exit into the formless
Reading this, a horn toot somewhere
Out over the roof tops
it is an essence 
in itself
that sound

[1]Samuel Beckett, Malone Dies(London: Calder & Boyars,1959), pp.198

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