Friday, 10 March 2017

Phalanx (or Muscles in 7 days)
Cobweb splayed taught over a stick on barometer
suction cup dust field its not moving
lets take a ride to the cosmic jetty
purple rock salt crystals in the rearview
death dirge on the radio
don’t touch that dial
pinned in onyx anxiety shards impossible but itemised
like the geodes
swing round the narrow one lane track to reveal the salt lake
are you landing or launching today sir?
crystal cosmic jetty
blue sky
empty roads
the motel
the idea of you
two figures at their beginning
obediently at the corner
these guys are launching
hold onto us they say
be kind they say
ill try to shake the scum from my eyes
treat you right
push down hard on the accelerator
make it to that spiral nebulae
before our new friends close the door
sealed off they are gone
were just standing looking out across the salt flats
crystal crunch, gentle mesa
plane in the distance
freight train across the horizon
remains of a fire

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