Friday, 28 October 2022

 The bench by the exit at Tesco piled high with unwanted books

mostly shit but today a wall of faux leather bound black volumes 

that threaten to buckle it. On closer inspection they are a full set of Encyclopaedia Britannia and at once I feel sad and nostalgic. Nobody wants these cumbersome volumes anymore. Now you can clarify disputed facts in seconds on phone. I pick up one of these unweildy volumes and flick at random. Precious knowledge once confined to the school library or well healed families that could afford the down payment. Diagrams, etchings and the occasional colour plate. That thistle logo on the spines all signify a long past era of slow learning less pressure more time to breath, perhaps.

Thursday, 13 October 2022


They say write about what you know

I choose death, but it could have easily

been life.

What do I know about death?

Is it the reason I’m writing this thing?

Can one know death?

Or is life just getting acquainted with 

the idea of death?

What legacy is this 


small waves 

that lap at the edge of the bed

true crime confessionals ecstatic mornings 

hurry past the sober sun rise.

Near a pagoda by a lake

bird noise from the bushes

iridescent despair slides under life’s gravity

unless it’s kept in check

chaos will reign

opportunist gulls are investment bankers

they inhabit the air with stucco violence

such alchemy such an assault

the pain strikes three 

a black noise is hauled across the sky

we look up.

Wednesday, 5 October 2022

 The banished king returns

each week a new pint of lager

watch the golden bubbles rise 

billfolds spill luxury cheese

and onion at your feet resplendent 

now that’s bleach for you.

Arrived too late for an unfixed heart

pulmonary in his prime slowed to

a thick trickle on stage hands

formed a cross looks upward

shavasana out through the window

each lateral gestation swipes out

for botanic shade the hothouse ghost

wheeled round demure one leather 

had clasps a cane your empire

came this way fruiting delusion

out of book shop vibrations

the rarefied airs career poets

breath so well.


Carved faces no maybe book ends

evaporate make cordial balm

darkening rust crumbs from the table 

a black dog grins human like

rough stems recoil from greenhouse 

heat hovering moon isle seek

majestic biscuit sift billow roll

turn side extend

and release.