Wednesday, 31 August 2022


Asleep in the ruins hung inside, acid alert bookish skin

days exert their feet climbing look askance see Everest assistance

with one good leg.

Legitimate winner’s see Toadflax roadside head out you can’t catch me they

say in yellow greening waste site. Sit awhile and spew the monstrous glory of it all.

Mine, yours, ours all folds into a perfect murder

night is real, the gas on obstinate saturates of capital on

the edge of this world.

Pilfer out of dreams new species; forms beautiful facia storms ahead

but not today.

Saturday, 27 August 2022

 How much gross is wastage?

All is not well

All will never be well

         to piss 


Walk into a hang


you never recover 



                      meant to bleed

noise nose bleed together

she was disingenuous offal 

                      officiating distinct purple

yellow flower heads 

                              your line diagonal


scratch out a place


   exist an exit 

together we live

                      wrong / song

it’s our favourite

fresh paint licks 

                                  the back of the throat

your songs are all wrong 

                 not desire 

but in the back behind the eye


a breeding has been disturbed 

stopping breathing now would be absurd.


Saturday, 20 August 2022


A loose tepid something glistens around the bend

origin unknown books on Blake strewn around the room 

type face font ungrateful messiah know-it-all magazine editors’ online

edition runaway percussion unit scored its own goals frustrated librarian

your ideas won’t gestate enough to escape the hoovering delivery

spout bookish thugs in fake cocktail lounge

shy banter piecemeal luxury grammar school dropouts

knocked into stuffing semaphore pigments into downstream notation

mental case internet academic plaintive piano utility buggy franchise

lawn frostings upturned crime scene photo 120 dollar crack binge

foraging for yellow blisters the gorgon blood moon rise humming

contempt for everything even the roadside fox carrion takes the dancing gloss

to avoid a cold fingered crushing salute.

Long haul overdone inside lane no good helpful expanding curlew 

aggravated dark Lol Coxhill narrates the revised bridge section with helpful commentary this time

we are air

I am doing 

Nothing doing


Scum surge survival wave



Tuesday, 2 August 2022



Dreary below above and beneath

homelessness on acid just belting the cosmos

hard in the face jumping through time 

bending out on hoops

curling up floating staring through the endless milky night.


Your breath is on acid