Sunday, 19 July 2020

'Thought to have spiritual significance by druids and pagans, it attracted visitors from around the world.'

Dedicated to ‘Summer tape work’ by Graham Lambkin

Water drips protoplasm egg fried brain rice despondent Finsbury park sink hole jest. Now 

your all shiny again we can begin. Draw in around world blanket. Repose worldly wit culture hierophant first responder guzzle. Throw out divine shoots and let the summer tape work begin. Hammer clobber all day interruptions forced out of will out of silence. The silently screamed home frequency; movement of air from combustion to mouth back out and in again a dog yelps in the early morning heat haze you yawning “yes, I said yes.” Four house door vibrations tendons of make shift sound float in and out of the frame sneak licence tan side aureate ligament best boy bathysphere got going now. Autarchy ready rolled modern basilisk farm; push up frenzy hard against elastic market response now the sound of crying. 
Icon has gone black; it’s frozen fucking hell. A dryad splat in the middle, last minute graticule grip charmed bodies; together wood smoke infused gelato window slowly closing.
Your closest druid friend; library wish list cancelled. Patrician bodies against camouflaged treats slowly sinking drug barge glides by on a skein of ooze. Tit thugs laugh from the upper branches whisper “fuck you too.” Heron gaze sweet libations love aurora post gap year vital loafing; shine on rose petals and stained sheets. Look how it glistens nightly. Lumber saddle sore, Boris Bike loaded with craft beer tessellate Corinthian corner pieces empathy test be calm lumber on; how will our hearts heal? Novichock device once again directors of health first responders called to arms. Deranged goose sandwich grazer plant pot visionary city centre dredger. Bell wave hinterland bewildered brain dead befuddled dry mouthed.
Horror scape frenzy wound I.T. Stomachic ruin tonic base full agenda of nothing praise hollow seek to define the divine. Plain song grapefruit awash incense brought a gathering in hollowed grounds define your practice select your deity. The music is hovering rarely does the muse take hold with such potency. A smudged figure; glacial bonded withholding force. Life under a heavy melting sky scroll forwards funnel exotic wood pylons to be but what; brilliant stunted youth blowing kiwi farts under the moons ceramic pale. Now your misty mind has chinned up in focus feeling a way forward towards the clearing. Holiday rackets pink ice frosting float upwards infinity star sign hands wrung fug of wealth. Spent the night on a bank of scum slashing glass casket ricochet through free climbed stanza or worse sleep and miss it all. Reinstated fever hole desire buzz boxed in suburban withering washing car dream life; now eyes awake screech into bungled robbery slump. It is what it isn’t. Dream  that one of the sons goes missing; fall out with everyone else. 
All the museums are shut and how do you give bereavement advice to the already dead?
A dead rat floats upturned on foaming swirls of river scum; frothing in the heat rising algal flow time. Wick Woodlands smoke and shade. Mind pillaged by two bottles of red downed swiftly with remorse. Fell backwards over the fence and took out the cooking egg.

Thursday, 9 July 2020

Friends Out Reach 

In the foreground two Turkish wrestlers; in back out of focus The Mask Aggressor spits puerile bile; holding a smashed recording device held together with Sellotape and glue    "What dark lights in the brain?” :
             evade capture / unit wound response / governing body / nuptials
              Aurora Borealis / never clear / of clutter / to think box / pressure scorch / soaked / scorn wreathed
              Shit stained / smug / good riddance to bad rubbish / your city needs you / Not breathing / you in flight 
              Vaccine stalker / ambulance chaser / you’re a disgrace / winning / the carvery is open / please observe /                             
              Chechen murderers / adroit artificial / taken / legs broken / copter / phone logics dissolving patterns / hope signal / 
              fog blossom / speech defect / moist input / open sweat sores / lights out / smoke fags / no memories at all of anything / 
              undecided let go / failed social experiment / remote / gossamer / durex / no problems / car parks and toilets / unfolded / 
              unfurled / length good / greased / distended / labial summers.