What is this wish business?
It is about engagement with ideas for their own sake that keep us going
Forget the competition we can leave them behind
The less we know about them the better
A large honey bee hive in a cavity wall makes the internet
The story is revealed over several layers of advertising
The creatures don’t care they adapt make the best of a situation
They don’t see a house just a home
Our lives could come to an eradicable halt
A rethinking is the evolutionary thought
The revolutionary thought too, look at what that r brings
Move towards a better tomorrow that has always been the plan
And in this way the future sustains the past, the past being now
There it goes again
Voices from the street below uncommonly quite today
Recalling the clusters of enormous trout thrashing in the shallow water near
The edge of the canal
The Munt Jack dear glimpsed in hollows of light beams down through the forest canopy slipping in and out of vision
the swifts that scream for joy beyond words cascading in the updraft
the streak of green parakeet, they too make a lot of noise
in thinking about these friends and relations is there an answer to the oversight
of who made the decision to work against it?
Maybe I made this decision today this morning
what is predetermined about progress?
Our actions evolve but not for best survival, they cost us all.
What course of action to take
The aporia of ending
Can you carbon date it the shifting
Watery tidal time span
Exploding molecules organism algal larvae in a microcosm of a tiny pond
What happens down there also happens up here
Looking back up out of the swamp
Then further a satellite image of the broiling mass
Marvel at it the Whole Earth
Now this was the shift right?
The wholeness of it right there, knowing this changed it all
A40 M40 01/06/2019
(contracted to return)
Taking a frightening turn over slept on thoughts becoming
now. Aligned without bizarre face coaxed from blur hazard ahead
slippage in the fast lane resulting in three lanes blocked.
Can we become something new out of this? Is it all there is to
ask. New questions face improbable litany of voices, vices break loose
to hammer back at the facial recognition enhances memory games that sweat the
gravel track back to consciousness. After tired and tested weakness on a local run can
surmount what thought may be best possible outcomes. Many were engaged in this a quest to go back and find the most satisfying forest dwelling thought possible to entertain uprisings in the body cell.
It’s the time of creak and groan. Swinging out across three lanes overhead Red Kites.
The road now a mass of broiling carriages each its own hot house of coalescing rage and sublime kindness that knows itself only by a definition that is the opposite of death.
Common ground is what we are searching for place mats garbage disposal less plastic these concerns. If it transpires that they were right all along then a solid strata of chicken bones will fulfil a billion-year legacy. Thanks for listening.