Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Rode it long through the acid night
Chirping the pulse
Of a malfunctioning smoke alarm
Brought to abrupt dream end of toasted bread
Aches and morphic response to the crash of wakeful thinking
Clearing it up with it 
Getting on
To the fast lane attack of rhythmic work impulses
“beware of the dog, it needs cuddles”, barks the kitsch sign
Ironic to find humour here
In golf land 
The soft thwack notes the rising sun
The dog barks from a one-mile radius
The motor is diesel it sounds rougher than a regular petrol engine
As I take the rolling hills at speed time stops
To breath in ‘personal’ and blend out with ‘distinctly your own’ is todays goal
The apparition of an old couple eating food at the table next to us
Is spectral
In its intensity
Pre-frozen they thaw out over the first course
The look alright like life was spent doing the right thing and sleep comes easy
What if that happens to us
Ruefully eating out a metre of pasta on a Wednesday night in an empty pub
With each mouthful the middle distance gets further away and the gears change and the diesel motor responds with a rush of blood to the nervous system and the last fifty years explode behind the eyes in one second of remembrance that is just a few colours blended
And there is a spectre at the window behind the glass
That was something like you
You remembered in time for pudding