The phone won’t charge (or
why it’s not poetic to use ETC)
Car starts
And time
The spookiness of an octopus
Moving slowly backwards the way they do
Like penitents
They slither out of the Proterozoic
Layered onion eye eclipsed over pizza
This time in the summer bird’s song begins at 4:15 am
It was just the longest day
Writing up these notes
Listening to La Monte
Guzzling coffee thinking about the future worrying about the
Running down new corridors and avenues of the same maze
They just look different I have two new companions I need to
Not just take them to the foot of the mountain and leave
them there like us
See it’s there again snatching out of the past dragging backwards
like that infernal writhing squid creature
Gauzy mollusc eye unpredictable twilight beast
The childcare life the refrigerated bliss of the frozen
Morning bird song slowly unfolds into chaotic dissonance but
strangely harmonious
Helicopters buzz band saw rock drill sirens kids wail cheer
scream talk a guttural debased Hebraic mind sore
A rough Zen beast slithers down Nevsky Prospect or the Seven
Sisters road you decide
Roughly shod hooves clopped across borders once now I need
five passwords to make it work
A triangle a star a brilliant sparks some energy please!!!!
Fear of God held men in place for hundreds of years, fear of
God and the fear of men that wielded Gods authority on Earth
Now fear death or poverty, dying in poverty etc. sleeping souls
bleeding rough in a bus shelter having cold coffee poured over your head like a
living hell better off inside why then commit a crime the greater the magnitude
the longer your stay at her majesty’s pleasure what a ridiculous phrase to take
pleasure from all the men locked up
Bindweed with its hurrah white trumpet flowers creeps around
new rose bush have no fear
Floating enormous dragonfly cargo cruiser metallic purple
and gold and humming low frequency
It’s a fantastic word, nature’s wild dominions
Also a fantastic word. He broached her rocky escarpment and
handed her the flaming batton of his heart.
Five hours of piano minimalism to what end to carry home a
bag of beers.
To understand where and why to undo the seasons rain or
block out the moon thoughts howling into the night like a pack of wolves inside
your head tearing at the thought that got separated from the pack ripping it to
In the beginning monks controlled the words just like those
other men of God we mentioned earlier
Once the words are liberated history of mankind changes, now
the codex has been thrown from its horse walls of ideas replaced the novel a
singularly painstaking undertaking.
For Wallace Stevens.
A small cruel stain on
The word spreading like port wine
Brushed over thick black bristles
These vicissitudes feel medieval
As we hunt boar through the urban lanes
Soon to taste a proposal sweet
In the knowledge that a chastening or a cooling off period
Could ecstatically revise
This new found sense of being alive
To chew up the words again and spit them out
With renewed vigour